Monday, February 4, 2008

Posting 2

My name is Timothy Lim.I was born on th 4th of January 1996 in Mt Elizabeth Hospital.I started to walk when I was a year old.Two years later,I started to read.I started to go to school when I was four.
When I was six,I moved to Pine Grove where I made most of my friends today.Life was good in Pine Grove as many of my neighbours' children were about my age and we would often meet at the playground to play either football or catching.On most Tuesdays,we would go swimming together as well.
I went to class 1B in primary one.As I was a very shy boy,I did not get along quite well but I managed to make some friends by the end of the first month.When I in primary four,I watched my fist World Cup.Although I did not support any team in paricular,I enjoyed it as I even woke up in the middle of the night to watch some of the big games.After the World Cup,I begin to enjoy playing football.In the year 2007,I was in 5Boldness.Although it was not an eventful year,I still had to attend the annual P5 camp.There,I learned to overcome my fear of heights while going through the rope courses.
This year will be an important year for me as I will be sitting for my PSLE examination.I hope that I will be able to achieve good results so that I would be able to go to a school of my own choice.


The great and brilliant guy said...

This is Quah Jia Zhi. Blog not bad

The great and brilliant guy said...

blog lame but good .just joking

2A110 QingZe said...

hmmm............................... what sould i say, intersting but not complex enough? not bad? i'll stick to not bad then.
