Tuesday, March 18, 2008


It was on the first day of the June holidays.Tom's father,Thomas,had promised to bring him and his sister,Sue,to the zoo.They had packed their bags,each containing a bottle of water and some sandwiches.All of them then grabbed their bags and got into the car,with their hearts pounding with excitement.However,little did they know what was about to happen to them that day will leave a huge impact on their lives for a long time.
When they reached the zoo,they were greeted by a talking parrot.
"Hello!How are you?"said the parrot.
Tom was amazed!He never thought that parrots could speak.That moment,Sue suggested that they should see the lions.Lions were Sue's favourite animals,they have always been able to fascinate her with their giant teeth and furry mane.Both Tom and Thomas agreed with Sue and off they went to the lion's enclosure.As they were walking towards the lion's enclosure,they heard a loud roar.
"Wow!Did you hear that?The lion must be getting hungry!"Tom exclaimed.
There were many people gathering around the enclosure,all watching the King of the Beasts,in awe.Others were snapping as many pictures as they could,of the majestic creature.Tom, obviously over-excited ,was jumping up and down,leaning against the fence of the enclosure.His father had warned him not to lean against the railing of the enclosure as it was dangerous,but unfortunately,Tom just ignored his father's advice.Tom lived to regret not heeding his father's advice as when he was jumpimg up and down,he suddenly lost his balance and slipped into the enclosure of the hungry lion through the railings.
As Tom panicked,the stunned crowd started screaming.Their screams were heart-stopping and ear-piercing.Tom,who was trying to stand on his two feet,broke out in cold sweat.The lion, however,only had one word on its mind-dinner!It was about to run and pounce on onto Tom,until a zookeeper held a chicken on a rod in front of the lion's nose.The lion immediately recognised the smell of fresh food and changed targets.
Meanwhile,one of the many stunned passer-bys called the police to the site.The very hungry lion,suddenly caught hold of the chicken dangling in the air and swallowed it whole.It was however,still hungry and determined to eat Tom.
As it swallowed approached Tom,Tom slowly backed off as his heart skipped a beat.The lion let out a huge roar,which was followed by a loud thud and then dead silence.Tom thought that he was already dead.That moment,the crowd led out a cheer,while others heaved a sigh of relief.Tom then opened his eyes and saw the lion motionless on the ground.He immediately got out of the enclosure with some help from his father and gave him a tearful hug.
"I'll remember to listen to your advice next time!"a tearful Tom said.
His dad then went over to thank the zookeeper for saving Tom's life.Tom then realised that it was the zookeeper who had shot the lion with a stun gun.Tom then also gratefully thanked the zookeeper who had saved him.Tom hoped to be able to one day do him a good turn.By then,the policemen had arrived,along with the press,looking to make some news.At the end of the day,Tom was happy to still have his life.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Posting 3

The animal kingdom is a fascinating one,and today,I am going to share with you five animals which make up some of this fascinating kingdom.

The Black Rhinoceroses

Like all rhinos,the black rhinoceros has two horns.It too,has poor vision.

the horns of the Black Rhinoceros are made of a similar substance to human fingernails.These horns may break off sometimes,but they would regenerate.Rhinos are always quick to attack whenever there is an intruder.Biologists think that this is because if the rhinos poor vision.Although most of these attacks are not for real,these animals are very unpredictable ,making them very dangerous.


Lions are perhaps one of the most well known animals in the animal kingdom.They have even been called 'king of beasts'.

Lions live in prides of up to 40.In the pride,the lionesses are usually the ones hunting for prey.Once the prey is caught,the male lions would eat first,followed by the lionesses and then the cubs.Lions are excellent swimmers too,unlike most of their cousins.Most scientists believe that the lion's mane is used to make them look fiercer and also as a protection for their throats in battle.


Chimpanzees are one of the animals most similar to us,humans.They are able to communicate to one another using signs and making loud noises.

Once a chimpanzee has found a fig tree full of ripe fruit, it would start drumming in tree trunks and send out a loud chorus of pant-hoots and food calls to inform other members of their community.Chimpanzees are also one of the only animals known to use different objects as tools.They use long blades of grass to fish for termites by sticking the blade of grass into the entrance of the termite nest,wriggle it around and then slowly and carefully withdrawing the grass.
Bald Eagles
The Bald Eagle has been the national symbol of the United States since 1782.The Bald Eagle was on the brink of extinction until laws were set to protect the graceful birds.
Many people would think that the Bald Eagle got its name from its white head which makes it look bald.However,its name actually comes from an old English word 'balde', which means white.The Bald Eagle is only able to carry half of is weight.Should it be unable to carry its prey,it would hang on to it with its talons and use its wings to help it swim to shore.
Giant Panda
The Giant Panda is one of the most endangered animals on the planet.It is believed that there are only about 1000 Giant Pandas in the wild as many zoos are trying to save the black-eyed creature.
Giant Pandas spend up to 12 hours eating as they digestonly about 20% of what they eat.Bamboo,which makes up about 99% of their diet is also not very nutritious.Pandas also often starve themselves as when there are no more bamboo,they are unable to move to other places where bamboo species thrive.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Posting 2

My name is Timothy Lim.I was born on th 4th of January 1996 in Mt Elizabeth Hospital.I started to walk when I was a year old.Two years later,I started to read.I started to go to school when I was four.
When I was six,I moved to Pine Grove where I made most of my friends today.Life was good in Pine Grove as many of my neighbours' children were about my age and we would often meet at the playground to play either football or catching.On most Tuesdays,we would go swimming together as well.
I went to class 1B in primary one.As I was a very shy boy,I did not get along quite well but I managed to make some friends by the end of the first month.When I in primary four,I watched my fist World Cup.Although I did not support any team in paricular,I enjoyed it as I even woke up in the middle of the night to watch some of the big games.After the World Cup,I begin to enjoy playing football.In the year 2007,I was in 5Boldness.Although it was not an eventful year,I still had to attend the annual P5 camp.There,I learned to overcome my fear of heights while going through the rope courses.
This year will be an important year for me as I will be sitting for my PSLE examination.I hope that I will be able to achieve good results so that I would be able to go to a school of my own choice.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Posting 1

Elizabeth Choy is a war heroine in Singapore during World War II. Although she was imprisoned for about two hundred days during the war,she refused to give the Japanese any information.The Japanese even electrocuted her. Miraculously,she survived . Knowing that they would not get any information from her,they set her free.She died at the age of ninety-five,as a result of panceratic cancer.
I respect Elizabeth Choy for what she has done for Singapore.She was even willing to go through torture for her country.Another thing that I admire about Elizabeth Choy is when she did not want to reveal the name of the japanese soldier who had tortured her. Instead,she blamed the war saying that the japanese soldier was just carrying out orders.
Elizabeth Choy is indeed a war heroine.